Eikon is a flexible, open platform that is purpose-built for trade innovation and lets you connect with the world's largest directory of verified financial professionals.

It includes global economics, listed company, and financial data. It is an integrated news, content, and analytics trading platform that allows you to monitor the markets and perform in-depth research.
Introduction to Eikon
Login to Other ID
1. Open Eikon Datastream Application

2. Click "Eikon" button

3. Select "Close" > Click "Sign Out"
Eikon Menu Missing in Excel
In some cases, the Eikon menu in Excel went missing due to failing add-in loading. This can be fixed by enabling the add-in as follow:
  1. Open Microsoft Excel.
  2. Identify the missing Eikon menu in Excel
  3. Click File > Options
  4. Click Add-ins > Manage : COM Add-ins > Go
  5. In COM Add-ins selection, Tick Refinitiv Eikon > OK
  6. Check Eikon menu in Excel.
Eikon Menu Missing in Excel (Video at 1:26)
Eikon Essentials: Introduction & Searching
Eikon Essentials: Accessing Datastream via Excel
Eikon Essentials: Financial Charts
Eikon Essentials: Using Datastream