Choosing a Journal
1. Edanz Journal SelectorEnter your abstract or article description in the Journal Selector to find journals that publish in related areas. Currently matching to over 28,403 journals.

2. Elsevier Journal Finder: Search for an Elsevier journal by name or use the Elsevier Journal Finder by entering your abstract to find journals best suited for your research.

3. Journal/Author Name Estimator (JANE): JANE matches your title, abstract, or keywords to millions of documents in MEDLINE to help determine the best journals for your research.

4. Journal Guide: Search for potential journals by keyword, abstract or browse by subject categories.

5. Wiley Journal Finder BETA: Enter your paper's title and abstract, and our matching engine will suggest relevant journals for you to consider, based on your manuscript details.

6. Springer Nature Journal Suggester: Journal matching technology finds relevant journals based on your manuscript details.

7. Think.Check.Submit: Campaign to help researchers identify trusted journals for their research. It is a simple checklist researchers can use to assess the credentials of a journal or publisher.

Disclaimer: These links are being provided as a convenience and for informational purposes only. Contact the external site for answers to questions regarding its content
How to check latest issues about Open Access Journals?
1. The Scholarly Kitchen

2. Australasian Open Access Strategy Group

3. Open and Shut?

Disclaimer: These links are being provided as a convenience and for informational purposes only. Contact the external site for answers to questions regarding its content.