What is SDI?
Selective Dissemination of Information (SDI) service is a type of “alerting service” meant for individual users, mainly specialists, which is exclusively restricted to the area of interest of the user concerned.
- Amitabha Chatterjee, in Elements of Information Organization and Dissemination, 2017
Selective dissemination of information or SDI represents an important value-added service because it is the means by which librarians can keep users informed about the latest literature on topics of specified interest, thus helping them keep on top of the so-called information explosion – indeed, it is a service by which librarians themselves can keep up to date.
- Stuart Ferguson, Rodney Hebels, in Computers for Librarians (Third Edition), 2003
SDI Services by PTAR
This service was dedicated to UiTM Top Management members. The librarian from PTAR Shah Alam is responsible to offer these services to UiTM Executive Management while the librarian from campuses offers them to their executive members.

Article from high impact journal was selected according to member specific subject matter. It is then compiled with a full-text article and sent via email or other messenger applications like Whatsapp or Telegram.

These services were scheduled within a period of time as below:
Group / Members Frequency Medium
Personal Monthly Email
Executive Member (Senat) Monthly Whatsapp
Librarian Monthly Email
List of SDI Articles for 2023
Library Funding
  1. Library funding for open access at KU Leuven
Immersive Learning Through Library
  1. Virtual Reality-Based Library User Education Program Development
Austrian Transition to Open Access: a collaborative approach
  1. Austrian Transition to Open Access:  a collaborative approach
Education 5.0: Flexible and adaptive learning
  1. A bibliometric review on latent topics and trends of the empirical MOOC literature (2008–2019)