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How to Identify Quartile Ranking?

First, in PRIMe - Publication Module, ONLY publications that are Indexed and consist of a Quartile in Web of Science will be accepted   Quartile from another Indexing platform will not be accepted

  1. To check, you may go to https://ptarapps.uitm.edu.my/login/
  2. Login to Google Account / iStudent Portal
  3. Click on "Online Database"
  4. Choose “Journal Citation Report (JCR)
  5. You may search by using the Journal's Name, ISSN, or Categories
  6. It is Important! To refer ONLY to Journal Impact Factor (JIF), NOT Journal Citation Indicator (JCI) OR;
  7. You may do your searching by using Titles in Web of Science
  8. Click the journal to show the detailed Journal Impact Information.

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